Industrial Ventilation

Industrial Ventilation systems seek to control indoor air quality in manufacturing operations for various purposes, including protecting worker health, worker comfort,  maintain product quality, and provide safety and explosion protection.

Steen has project experience designing:

  • local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems
  • custom source-capture hoods
  • critical space pressure control
  • make-up air heating and air conditioning systems
  • heat relief systems
  • pollution control systems
  • dust control systems
  • process exhaust

We listen to your unique challenge and work with your budget while integrating a tailored solution into your operation by discussing it with your staff as it relates to production, maintenance and environmental, health and safety, to maximize the positive project benefits and minimize unforeseen side-effects.

Always aware of energy costs, we take advantage of any energy-saving opportunities and rebates that may exist which do not compromise the success of the design.